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Schwedisch/norwegisches Quartett, 1999 in Kopenhagen gegründet, haben bisher 2 Alben auf www. ilkmusic. com produziert und waren 2003 gewinner des Jazzfestivals von Avignon!

Flagge englisch Flagge englisch Fattigfolket

Fattigfolket is a Swedish/ Norwegian quartet, which started in Copenhagen in 1999.

Since the year 2000, the band has been touring Scandinavia and France, and in 2003 they won the 1st price in the European Jazz contest at the festival 'Tremplin Jazz d'Avignon' in France. As a reward, Fattigfolket was invited the year after to do the opening concert at the same festival, and the audience of 1500 were completely taken by the magic in this concert. This concert became the starting point for Fattigfolkets international career.

Fattigfolket is known as one of the new groups which has the ability to combine the energy and wildness from american avantgarde, with the forceful beauty of strong melodic music from the north. Through communication and a balance of compositional and improvisational material, that pays homage to the contemporary jazz tradition, Fattigfolket perform original compositions written by the band members.

The band members are also involved in the following projects: Pierre Dørge & The New Jungle Orchestra, Peloton, Jogujo, TysTys, Sekten, amongst others.

Gunnar Halle: Trumpet

Hallvard M. Godal: Saxophone

Putte Frick Meijer: Bass

Ole Morten Sommer: Drums