19.05.24 09:28:38|Besucher online: 1419|Konzerte:109|gerade gesucht: Christof Behm
Phishbacher Acoustic Trio

Phishbacher Acoustic Trio

Kontrollierter Piano Trio Wahnsinn

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Kontrollierter Piano Trio Wahnsinn
Phishbacher veführen. Phishbacher reissen mit. Sie nehmen ihr Publikum bei der Hand und sagen: "Komm, ich nehm Dich mit auf eine Reise zum Ende der Welt und zurück. " Sie spielen melodiöse, spannungsgeladene Musik. Wenn Phishbacher die Bühne betreten, setzen sie alles aufs Spiel. Ihre Konzerte sind ein gewagter Drahtseilakt von unerhörter technischer Perfektion, der aber immer nur einem Ziel dient: das Publikum zu verzaubern.

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Controlled Piano Trio Madness

Phishbacher are seductive. They are riveting. They grab you by the hand, beckon and say, ‘Let me take you on a journey to the end of the world and back.’ Their music is a melodic, dramatic concoction grounded in the deep tradition of American jazz without being limited by it. When Phishbacher step onstage, they risk everything. Their concerts are nothing less than a reckless high wire act of off the charts technical perfection that never loses sight of its single goal: to mesmerize the audience, and, for a few hours, have them take flight and dive into an enchanting soundscape far beyond the ordinary.


Three musicians, three countries and as many musical influences—fertile grounds to color Top 40 hits and original compositions alike with the band’s very unique sound. U2, Coldplay, the Beatles and Katy Perry all get the Phishbacher treatment here. Walter Fischbacher, Goran Vujic and Ulf Stricker are masters at catapulting a piece of music into the stratosphere while anchoring it in a solid, churning rhythm. Every single piece of music stays on track. The band infuses each song with a boundless joy and just enough control to see them skidding along the abyss without actually crashing into it. Theirs is a flirt with disaster, a controlled madness that enlivens simple melodies and separates Phishbacher from the masses. Phishbacher—an electrifying trio that elevates jazz to cult.