02.06.24 07:50:39|Besucher online: 791|Konzerte:111|gerade gesucht: Weathertunes Picnic
Corrinth, Sebastian

Sebastian Corrinth


Instrument(e): Schlagzeug

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Gewinner des Ernst & Young Eurostream Jazz Contest Rotterdam 2001 - "For the most talented Jazz students in Europe"
2000/2001 Mitglied des Bundesjazzorchesters Bujazzo, Ltg. Peter Herbolzheimer
1998-2003 Studium Jazz-Schlagzeug an der Musikhochschule Köln bei Keith Copeland und Michael Küttner.

Flagge englisch Flagge englisch Sebastian Corrinth

Winner of the Ernst & Young Eurostream Jazz Contest, Rotterdam 2001 - "For the most talented Jazz students in Europe"

1st prize at the Concourse Chambre Ceramic, Maastricht 2001

1st prize at the Green Age Festival, Torino 2002

all with "Pupazza" (Bernd Hartnagel - sax; Karsten Lipp - guitar; Sebastian Corrinth - dr)

2000/2001 member of the Bujazzo, Germany's Youth Jazz Orchestra, directed by Peter Herbolzheimer.

1998-2003 Jazz studies (percussion major) at the Musikhochschule Köln with Keith Copeland and Michael Küttner.

Masterclasses with Marcio Bahia, Bruno Castellucci, Wolfgang Haffner, Adam Nussbaum, John Riley.

As drummer for the "Kicks'n'Sticks" Big Band concerts featuring:

Jens Bunge, Johannes Enders, Rainer Tempel, Peter King, Günter Bollmann, Helena Paul, Stephan Zimmermann, Gustl Mayer, Peter Lehel, Dizzy Krisch, Ferdinand Povel, Frederik Köster.