02.06.24 04:48:14|Besucher online: 57|Konzerte:111|gerade gesucht: Konzerte Holzminden
Haller, Axel

Axel Haller

Instrument(e): Elektro-Bass, Akustische Bassgitarre, Objekte

Homepage: axelhaller.de

Flagge englisch Flagge englisch Axel Haller

Axel Haller is a Berlin based musician, who works in the field of improvised and experimental music. His current projects include inien, Trio Vopá and a trio with Dave Bennett and Matthias Müller. In addition he is playing solo-concerts and in several ad-hoc-ensembles and contributed music to theater pieces, dance perfomances and audio books. He also is co-founder of the label schraum.