05.05.24 17:57:39|Besucher online: 1311|Konzerte:112|gerade gesucht: Michael Vatcher

Die Bademeister

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From "Gitarre&Bass" 9/07:

Bademeister is the german word for "pool supervisor" or "bath attendant". Therefore, the normal activities for these persons are observing the movements in the Bath, saving lives and grand us that the collective paddling is fun.

But not Bademeister, not "the Pool Supervisors" from Bremen, Germany: these guys are young JazzRockers who know all the dodges. I like to stress: JazzRockers! The typical soft-boiled Fusion-Style is namely what they left out - and that gives extra-points.

The Band Members Frederic Drobnjak (g), Claudius Tölke (b), Mathias Büsseler (dr) and Martin Hanisch (g) told us that they like their fellows Stern, Scofield, Metheny, Holdsworth, Frisell, Rosenwinkel, Greg Howe and Tom Morello - no bad sources of inspiration.

Sco teached them mainly to play really relaxed: some mud here, much more blues over there and in between a pinch of Funk & Insanity - very pleasant!

Is anyone here who likes to say that there is no way in doing exciting music with a Two-Guitar Band? i don't think so. Great!!!